Vocal, Accordion, and Violin Lessons
Private Vocal Lessons
"I would love to learn from you how to teach voice. You changed my life, and I want to pass it on." ~Jaspar Lepak touring singer-song-writer, 2024
"The progress that I have seen in my voice since working with Janet is astonishing to say the least.
I have seen other coaches and didn’t really learn anything. We just did scales, breathing exercises, and usually I was left with a hoarse voice. This is not your average vocal coach. Janet is all about technique and making sure you still have a voice in 30 years. I didn’t even realize what proper singing was before I went to her. Now, I can belt high notes effortlessly and I am learning true skill. Plus, the price is fantastic for the quality of the education. Honestly, I can’t say enough good things. She is so professional and personable. Just try even 1 lesson, you won’t stop coming." ~ Sierra Skye, Feb 20, 2021
Fundamentally expand range, ease, tone, expression, sense of yourself.
I use Feldenkrais principles, Belle Canto, and my Shakespearean training. I have an unusually keen ear to hear where tensions are, even on-line. Learn about the muscles in your mouth, lips, cheeks, back, and abdominals for consistency and ease. Certain movements, stretching & positioning allow people to shift ingrained habits and build freedom. If one technique doesn't work, you'll have five more to succeed! After 4 decades of performing professionally, I absolutely love making it easier for others to find their voice. I've taught privately and workshops for over 2 decades. It is so satisfying watching people progress so quickly, and expand a sense of themselves so deeply!
Many students come to me after unsatisfying experiences with other teachers.
I'm a great vocal technique teacher for a variety of styles: pop, musical theater, folk, classical, country,
French cabaret, and various ethnic styles. Go to someone else for true R & B, rock screaming, or opera.
Songwriters, teens 13 +, beginners who just want to grow, and active performers all have found amazing growth with me. And, as my students can attest, I teach well what I do not sing! INTRO LINK TO ME.
Zoom or in-person 55-60 minute lessons. Discounts through March for 3 more students. Plus, I regularly offer discount scholarships for low-wage earners. High-wage earners have often paid higher than I ask, which has helped fund lower fees for college students and low wage earners. Lessons are ~15-20 minutes technique and then applying to songs. YOU pick the repertoire. $30 intro lesson.
Voice lessons empower people fundamentally.
Students are brought together for community and performance--if they wish-- 2 times a year.
CALL (425) 246-6664 to schedule. You can text, but I prefer speaking with each person prior to lesson. This is free.
" I am so excited to finally begin to RE-FIND MY VOICE!!! This is so good!!! I love your energy and how you "get me". I have worked with other teachers that just wanted to change me to fit into their mold of what they thought I should be. I am an oldie but a goodie and I want to shine as long as I can!!! Thanks for helping me shine! You are so much fun to work with." Bonnie Sandberg, 2017
I can completely recommend Rayor as a teacher! She is extraordinary with teenagers
- Bruce Monroe, Seattle conductor/musical director for Village Theatre, Summit K-12, Empty Space, 5th Avenue Theatre.
As my students can attest, I teach well what I do not sing!
However, here is me singing: Romance de Paris video
Accordion Lessons
Toby Hanson is an amazing teacher. I, Janet, know because I took with him when I was so terrible
and so shy about it. He likes working with students who are excited about practicing to get better. He has a Bachelor's degree in music composition from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. He plays a broad range
of music in various meters and with an abundance of finesse and humor!
He regularly composes, writes charts, and arranges.
http://takelessons.com/profile/toby-h1 (206) 245-8207
Violin Lessons
Brandon Vance teaches inventive lessons that take you beyond just playing notes, to playing music!
He also leads quartet workshops.Both classical and fiddle-based, he can also open up the window to improvising. He is a star so run, don't walk to study with him!
http://www.brandonvance.com/lessons. (360) 770-8432